We made good progress in training today, too. Pickles is getting her teeth on the tube about 90% of the time. I'm not sure how much more slobber this cardboard tube can take. It's beginning to look a potato:
A tubetato?
After that, we did a few reps on her secret Vincenzo trick, & then called it a day.
She followed me back to the couch with this look on her face:
What do you mean we're done?!
I would like to think that she's enjoying the fun games & is enjoying bonding with me, but in reality, I suspect she just wants more treats.
Disappointed in the treat machine closing for the night, she climbed on the couch for her pre-bedtime nap:
Next step: tomorrow I'll start out at the same level -- looking for consistency in her getting her teeth around the tube -- and if she's still good on that, I'll start lowering the tube from her eye level toward the floor.
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Work it, Pickles!